
 StudioPro FAQ

(Frequently Asked Questions)

I am not very web savvy. Is this system easy to use?

Yes, Studio Pro is as easy as checking emails. Most actions are automated and self-explanatory. In addition to short training videos we also offer live training to you and your staff to make sure you are set up for success.

Will my business save time and money using Studio Pro?

Absolutely. Saving time and money are the primary purposes of Studio pro. How much time do you spend a week going through your sign-in log book to see who came to class? How much business do you lose by not accepting credit cards or not remembering when a client needs to renew? How much time do you spend doing the paperwork to reconcile members whose packages have already expired? All of these factors and more are now automated online and easily viewable by you or your staff. No more scrambling at staff meetings adding up revenue totals and trying to see how far you are to your goal. All of this and more will be available online.

If I need support or help with anything, can I call or send an email and get a quick response?

Yes, you can email us anytime. We are available by phone during business hours. We always try to respond to any messages in under an hour.

Are there any hidden costs/fees to use Studio Pro?

No, we are not that kind of company. No hidden costs or fees. You must have a merchant account for credit card processing, that company requires fees for each transaction you bill to your Members. They will make this clear to you before enrolling in their service.

Can I text my leads and members?

Yes, you can text any list in the software or send individual texts. They can text you back and you’ll see the text conversation in our text message inbox. This feature is included in the software for no additional cost.

Do you do any statistic tracking?

Yes, Studio Pro offers a statistics dashboard that helps you see your Lead to member conversion rate, new member and program breakdown along with a revenue goal tracking section.

Will I have access to my billing totals and membership information while traveling?

You will have full access to our system anywhere that you have internet access.

How do I get started?

Click the Schedule a demo today button and get a live inside look at the software and talk to a representative about a transition plan for your studio.

How secure is Studio Pro?

We use a payment gateway account that is PCI compliant. Once you enter payment information it is encrypted and it is impossible to see the payment numbers again.

Is Studio Pro available in other countries?

We currently service the USA and Canada only.